Kamp Koinonia 2018

We moved.

For about two weeks.

Mommy, Daddy, Ippi, and I went to Kamp Koinonia. It was very different from our house. At our house we only have one animal—a Chihuahua named Effie. At the campground, there were lots of animals. I never did catch any of their names.

At home, we have a soccer ball and a bouncy ball and a ball that lights up. At the campground, they tie the ball to a pole. I never did figure out why.

At home, my sister and I hang out, playing with our toys and helping Mommy spread the laundry all over the floor. At Koinonia, my sister and I got to hang out, but the floor was covered with grass and rocks. 

I got to see more of my family. Here’s me with my Aunt Julie. I never did figure out what she was saying to me, but she’s really nice and funny.

At home, I take a bath in a big bathtub. It has lots of toys and sometimes bubbles. At Koinonia the bathtub was a lot smaller. It didn’t have any toys, but the tub itself was kind of like a bubble. My sister and I ended up liking it very much. 

It was exhausting being carried around or pulled in our wagon or being picked up. Even though it was a different bed than I’m used to, I slept really well.

There were lots of fun people there doing lots of fun things. Sometimes they would dress up for different kinds of games.

I was kind of upset when I found out I wasn’t going to get a costume. 

But one of the best things of being at Koinonia was the discovery of my new passion. Boxes.

I had seen lots of stuff taken out of boxes before, but while I was at Koinonia it occurred to me that it might be possible to put something into a box. It might even be possible to put myself in one. First I tried a small one, but it didn’t really make me feel like I had accomplished anything truly significant.

The highpoint of the week was when I figured out how to get inside a diaper box. Here’s a photo documenting my personal best.

There were a lot of people there. I decided I would give a presentation about my passion for sitting in boxes, so I asked everyone to gather together at the amphitheater. But apparently, they only heard about the gathering-together part. All they did was sit together and smile while someone took a picture.

Here’s me realizing that I would not be giving my presentation on boxes. I’m the boxed-sized person on the far right.

At Koinonia, every once in a while, for no apparent reason, there would be an odd and very loud ringtone. Here’s a video of me and my sister hearing. It sounded a lot like a real bell. My sister and I never did figure out whose phone it was.

All in all, I had a great time. I loved being there and I’m really looking forward to next year.

Here’s a picture of me in my rock-collecting dress.


  1. Miss Nancy, you and your sister were so blessed to get to be with all those people all far from home! Even more fun is the blessings you guys were to all the Kampers! All that AND ... Boxes!! (Have you been watching cat videos?)


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